Saturday, March 27, 2010

Make your USB Disks perform Faster

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This simple hack is particularly useful if you leave your USB Hard Disk permanently connected to your laptop or PC. If you are sure that the USB drive will always be connected, it can be configured to perform faster. 
Follow the steps below to configure your USB Drive to perform faster. 
1.) In Control Panel, click on System. Under System dialog, click on Hardware and then Device Manager. 
2.) Under Device Manager, expand the Disk Drives section.

Optimizing USB Disks for Performance
3.) Select your Drive and right click to open Properties.

Performance Tuning your USB Drive
4.) Under Policies, select Optimize for Performance. Click OK.
That is it. You are done. For a USB drie, when you enable Optimize for Performance, it is enabled for write caching which in turn leads to beter speed and therefore better performance.


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